Money Loans

Money Loans


Unforeseen circumstances may cause unplanned expenses. For example, there is a need to purchase some business equipment, furniture, clothing, buy a new phone or fix your car. 

But you do not have enough cash in your pocket. The only way to go about this is to borrow money. 

If a loan is needed here and now, the best idea would be to apply for an online money loan. The application procedure for such loans is extremely simple and takes no more than half an hour. 

Once approved, money will be deposited directly in your bank account. Loan Away is the perfect solution to current financial problems if you need a small amount for a short time! 


Bad Credit Loans. Get Now!


Loan Away Company is proud to serve many Canadians in various locations: Ontario (Toronto, Brampton, North York, Vaughn, London, Barrie etc.), British Columbia (Nanaimo, Vancouver, Burnaby, Mission, etc.), Newfoundland (St. John's, Bonavista, Placentia, etc.), Alberta (Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Stony Plain, etc.)

New places that are coming soon: Quebec (Montreal, Westmount, Kirkland, etc.), New Brunswick (Oromocto, Sackville, Dieppe, Riverview, etc.), Saskatchewan (Regina, Saskatoon, Winkler, Neepawa, etc.), Nova Scotia (Halifax, New Glasgow, etc.)

Money Loans

Cash Money Loans


Our loans' services include many borrowing options. We offer affordable rates, easy terms, and flexible payment schedules:


Unfortunately, we do not offer these online services: auto loans, apple loans, car loans, student loans, and motorcycle loans.  


Loans Canada


There is no doubt that at least once each of us got into a situation when the need for having a certain amount in your wallet appeared.

There is one simple solution to the current situation – Loan Away. We offer the best rates for urgent loans and simple online application that can be completed from the comfort of your home using your mobile phone.

If you are lost or would like to know more about our services, do not hesitate to call us and ask for help. Our professionally trained customer service representatives will guide you through the application process and help you set up a flexible installment plan, so you can manage your loans easier.